Wholesale Beads, Leather Stringing Cord, and Jewelry Findings
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Wholesale Ceramic Beads
Greek Ceramic BeadsEnamel Glazed Ceramic BeadsEnamel Printed Ceramic BeadsPueblo Ceramic BeadsRaku Technique Ceramic BeadsMatte Ceramic BeadsPrimitif Matte Ceramic BeadsMetalized Ceramic BeadsLittle Ceramic BeadsFace Ceramic BeadsCeramic Bead Samplers
Recycled Glass BeadsTurkish GlassEye Beads and Charms
Woody Bead
Solid Brass Beads
Casting Beads
Cast Metal Pendants, Charms & Dangles
FindingsSolid Brass FindingsCasting FindingsSterling Silver Findings
Greek Leather Cord
Other Beading SuppliesIrish Linen CordRawhide CordTibetan Yak Bone Inlaid Beads
SalesPrinted Enamel CloseoutMatte Primitif CloseoutOverstock CastingsMatte Ceramic BeadsOverstock Enamel BeadsOverstock Solid Brass Beads
and Findings
Bead Bags
Gift ItemsGreek JewelryWorry BeadsBirdsLittle PursesMagnetsNautical GiftsKeyringsEye Bead AccessoriesBronze StatuaryVotives

Wholesale Beads

For over 45 years, Mykonos Beads has been the primary wholesale beads supplier of Greek Bead products in the US, offering over 9,000 products and styles.  These wholesale ceramic beads offer amazing quality, design and are expertly crafted.  Jewelry makers all over the world include our wholesale beads in their quality designed pieces every day.

Our Ceramic Beads come in several different finishes, including Matte, Enamel, Fine Metals, and Raku Technique. Please explore our wholesale beads: Enamel Glazed Ceramic Beads, Enamel Printed Ceramic Beads, Pueblo Ceramic Beads, Raku Ceramic Beads, Matte Ceramic Beads, Primitif Ceramic Beads, Metalized Ceramic Beads, Little Beads, Face Beads, and Ceramic Bead Samplers.

Findings provide the perfect finish to designer's pieces.
Solid brass beads are a great cost-effective product that yield beautiful results.
All Casting Beads match the finishes of our Casting Findings, Pendants, Charms, Dangles, and Metalized Ceramic Beads.
Our fine Greek Leather Cord is cut only from processed cowhide, then dyed and extruded multiple times with heat and pressure to ensure uniformity, color fastness, and permanent flexibility. Other stringing supplies.
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Mykonos Beads