Wholesale Beads, Leather Stringing Cord, and Jewelry Findings
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Solid Brass Findings

To order by finish in numeric order, please click on a picture of one of the finishes below.

Metal finishes

Otherwise, all shapes are shown below and are grouped by type. Click on any to order in the finish of your choice.

NOTE: All of our Solid Brass Findings match the finishes of our Solid Brass Beads. Also, we offer Solid Brass Findings Kits - great for bead stores!

Metal clasps

These clasps are all made of solid brass and are available in our 5 metal finishes shown above.

Metal crimpers and springs

These crimps are all made of solid brass and are available in our 5 metal finishes shown above.

For our 1.5mm leather cord, use 1.8mm spring sizes; for our 1.9mm cord, use 2.2mm springs. For our 2.5, 3, 4, and 5mm leather, use the same size spring.

Metal spring ends (crimps)

These crimps are all made of solid brass and are available in our 5 metal finishes shown above.

Findings kits

Our bead store customers have found these kits a very money- and space-saving way to offer a good variety of metal spacer beads.

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Mykonos Beads