Wholesale Beads, Leather Stringing Cord, and Jewelry Findings
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Wholesale Ceramic Beads
Greek Ceramic BeadsEnamel Glazed Ceramic BeadsEnamel Printed Ceramic BeadsPueblo Ceramic BeadsRaku Technique Ceramic BeadsMatte Ceramic BeadsPrimitif Matte Ceramic BeadsMetalized Ceramic BeadsLittle Ceramic BeadsFace Ceramic BeadsCeramic Bead Samplers
Recycled Glass BeadsTurkish GlassEye Beads and Charms
Woody Bead
Solid Brass Beads
Casting Beads
Cast Metal Pendants, Charms & Dangles
FindingsSolid Brass FindingsCasting FindingsSterling Silver Findings
Greek Leather Cord
Other Beading SuppliesIrish Linen CordRawhide CordTibetan Yak Bone Inlaid Beads
SalesPrinted Enamel CloseoutMatte Primitif CloseoutOverstock CastingsMatte Ceramic BeadsOverstock Enamel BeadsOverstock Solid Brass Beads
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Gift ItemsGreek JewelryWorry BeadsBirdsLittle PursesMagnetsNautical GiftsKeyringsEye Bead AccessoriesBronze StatuaryVotives

We recommend Torben Sode's Book on Anatolian Glass for those of you who wish to know more about the glass melting, forming, and color blending techniques for all these beads. We now offer many styles by specific color in these beads, in addition to assortments. Please appreciate that our glass beads are made from recycled from bottles and jars, melted, and are then handmade by families on small home kilns; different shapes may come from different artisans, and different glass stock will produce different color variations from lighter to darker especially. Colors, sizes, and shapes will always vary. Our photos are only represenstative of one "batch." Used together, however, the variations really enhance the overall look and primitive nature of this product Currently we are having great difficulty in getting product, so it is best to call to go over colors for your needs.

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Mykonos Beads