Wholesale Beads, Leather Stringing Cord, and Jewelry Findings
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Wholesale Ceramic Beads
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Matte Ceramic Beads by Color on Sale

Please choose a color from the images below.

Mykonos Beads Matte Ceramic Beads are kiln-fired terracotta biscuits that are then dyed with a myriad of colors. In addition to bright and earthy tones in solid colors, we also offer matte ceramic beads in metallic finishes and speckled colors (beads are splashed with additional colors).


Also available: Matte Samplers

Please note: We have tried our best to replicate our colors here, but please be aware that colors may appear slightly different on different computer monitors. If you print this page out, the colors will be even less accurate (though a printout may make a great tool to assist you with ordering!). The best way to view the colors accurately is to actually see the beads in person.








Yellows / oranges






















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Mykonos Beads